Red Bull is known for its dare-devil approach to business and to sports sponsorship. So, when they decided to relocated offices from Black River Park in Observatory in Cape Town to Granger Bay there were no half-measures either. They demanded modern, sophisticated design, using the best of the best in technological advancements, including a completely new audio visual design and fit-out. Red Bull understands the value that technology adds to their corporate identity, as well as the value that good appropriate AV technology adds in communicating to staff and clients.

Red Bull left the design and specifications up to Darryl who took a close look at the client profile. “I asked myself: What kind of company is Red Bull? How funky are they? What is their workflow? Where are the quiet areas and where is it not quiet? Darryl had to stick within a budget though and had to deliver a system that met global standard, was stable and user friendly”. Darryl is adamant that a system must be consistent and reliable, and must give the same excellent result every time it is used.

But even the nice-to-haves contribute to the bottom line. Red Bull is a “Wow!” brand - so the large screens in the reception add a wow factor and create an excellent vibe in the building. “Putting a massive sound system in a bank’s cafeteria wouldn’t make sense,” said Darryl “but Red Bull has a music academy, so putting a state of the art sound system in the cafeteria is justifiable”.

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