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The excitement was tangible at Electrosonic SA’s offices last week, as staff anticipated Electrosonic SA’s 25th anniversary celebration planned for 29 October 2016. Recent unrests at Wits University caused concern for some, as the designated venue was slap-dash in central Braamfontein.
But nothing could damper the high spirits of the guests as the event kicked off with a fun Tuk-Tuk ride through the buzzy Braamfontein streets to the venue, Thirteen.
Guests were welcomed with cocktails and mingled to the sounds of South African Indie folk band, The Motherland, and an exquisite Joburg sunset.
“We chose this specific venue as it tied in with our theme of A VIEW TO THE FUTURE”, says Terry Bourquin, Marketing Manager of Electrosonic. “From Thirteen Venue, one gets a bird’s eye view of the Nelson Mandela Bridge, the whole of Johannesburg city and beyond. I felt a dinner in the sky was appropriate, as Electrosonic SA has always strived to reach unlimited heights in our approach to quality, integrity and service”.
Once everyone enjoyed delectable canapes, MC Jesse Dullabh invited special guest, Lourie Coetzee to say a few words. Lourie retired 5 years ago, but built up Electrosonic SA together with current CEO Bruce Genricks from humble beginnings to the reputable company it is today. He touched on the history of Electrosonic’s successful 25 years in the industry. “The main objective was to offer product support and service to the Audio Visual industry through the highest level of honesty and trust as well as a mutual respect between suppliers and clients.” Lourie thanked all the staff for the tremendous role each one played in the success of Electrosonic SA throughout the years.
Eugene Coetzee, PRO AV Director and son of Lourie spoke next. “I thank Lourie and Bruce for taking a leap of faith 25 years ago when they started Electrosonic. I cherish the relationship our management team has in working together, thank you Bruce G, Bruce and Dawid. I would like to thank all the staff, my team and work family who are very special to me. Thank you for all the hard work and years of dedication you have all put into Electrosonic. We will also not be here if it was not for our loyal customers, who have supported us over the years. We need to continue to build these relationships, and give them the best service and products in our industry. In the 17 years that I have been part of the Electrosonic family, I still work with many of the customers who were there back then. I would like to end with a quote by Thomas Watson, Sr. (was CEO of IMB): To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart”.
Live Events Director Bruce Schwartz spoke straight from the heart: “Whenever celebrating milestones for me it’s an opportunity to reflect and also to look ahead: Looking back I feel proud to have been part of a major culture change within Electrosonic SA. The degree of knowledge and sharing amongst the team is very widely spread which makes for a very strong team. I firmly believe this is part of the success we as Electrosonic have had over the last few years. I am proud to be a part of this company and the rich history we’ve had and the respect we have generated in the industry. Both Lourie and Bruce Genricks instilled great business values in me from very early on, namely that Integrity and honesty are the cornerstones of Electrosonic. With these values you may win some and lose some but ultimately doing the right thing the right way is always the secret to long term success. Looking forward I’m excited about the future. Electrosonic is in a great place with a great team. I feel privileged to be part of the team that is leading Electrosonic into the future and have the most amazing faith in my fellow management team, Bruce Genricks, Eugene Coetzee and Dawid Smit. Here’s to the next 25 years!”
Bruce Genricks, CEO of Electrosonic ended the evening’s speeches. “We have come a long way and created a highly respected and successful business, however we need to look to the future and make sure that we continue to deliver the levels of service and market leading products that we have become known for. We need to get even better at what we do and maintain our leadership in the markets that we serve.”
The highlight of the formalities was when Lourie surprised Bruce Genricks by handing over a 25 years’ Long Service Certificate signed by the other Directors. Bruce and each Director also received a custom designed trophy in the shape of the new logo, to commemorate Electrosonic’s 25 years.
Guests were delighted with the portable dining, ice cold drinks, trendy décor and especially the view. Although Electrosonic is already one big family, bonds were strengthened and a pride to be part of such an organisation could be sensed amongst the staff.
This important event not only honoured everyone who contributed to Electrosonic SA’s successful past 25 years, but also marked the beginning of a next phase with an exciting view to the future.
Images by Darren Alexander: www.darrenalexanderphoto.com
Posted in Lighting News