
The fundamentals of networking connects industries and end users

By Sithembiso Xaba

Electrosonic’s Live Events team hosted the Networking for the LIVE EVENTS Industry Roadshow, with Green-GO and Luminex taking centre stage as the main integrated networking solution.

Luminex has become the industry standard as the networking tool that allows for basic to high-level IP (Internet Protocol) networks to be set up and controlled in a matter of seconds.

Blog 20190816 Networking Audience

This ease allows technicians and engineers the freedom to design new and creative ways for connecting their networks without compromising the networking traffic. Green-GO Communication systems use the networking switch as a pathway to communicate with their devices which results in a natural and smooth integration with the Luminex Network Intelligence product range.

Any IP-based protocol
can be used through the    
Luminex Networking

Any IP-based protocol can be used through the Luminex Networking switches. This allows for many different mediums including; sound, lighting, AV, live tracking communication and Pyrotechnics to make use of such a device. The scale can include basic to advanced setups that range in size, from schools, churches, TV broadcasting to big concerts.

The industry response to the 4-hour course covering the basics and ease of VLAN distribution through Luminex switching was surprising. The Johannesburg session was fully booked by mainly new visitors. Renier Smit (Live Events Sales Manager) was impressed, “The turnout was amazing. Most of our usual clients couldn’t attend but we had a lot of new faces who saw the value in networking through the easy use of Luminex and Green-GO.” Smit continued to say, “People find it necessary, especially in today’s world, to have a clear grasp of the basics of networking as they do this kind of work every day but don’t fully understand what IP means. The course gives a broad and clear description of what it is all about.”

He also added that these networking solutions are not only applicable to the live entertainment industry but very much relevant to various industries. “I’d like to see more end-users make use of networking solutions, not just in our industry. Yes, it’s very useful in theatres, live shows and events but ambulance centres, police stations and hospital units can enjoy great benefits from it too. The uses of Green-GO and Luminex are endless, and I’m looking forward to extending the market into various industries.” Smit concluded.

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Jesse Dullabh (Live Events Technical Manager), who trained the majority of the attendees, explains how the networking course came about. “In general, people don’t always understand IP terminology and networking, and it often sounds complex as aspects thereof are fairly unknown in the South African industry. I therefore developed an introductory course which covers these basics and provide newcomers to actually experience networking in a live event set-up. The course was short yet valuable. Within 4 hours attendees learned all about the terminology and fundamentals of Live Networking. I kicked-off with training, then demonstrated Luminex and Green-GO in a practical session. After this all attendees had the opportunity to discuss networking in a Q&A session, which was followed by “play time” through networking games,” Dullabh concluded.

Johan Marais (Sales and Operations from Sound GP), attended the final leg of the roadshow at Electrosonic’s Northcliff office and found it to be very informative. “Jesse invited me to the networking course and I came because I wanted to gain more insight of the new technologies and integration methods in our industry. It was informative and I’ll be using the skills in IP integrations within our broadcasting and live recording setups.”

Touring across the country, the roadshow made stops in Durban, Cape Town, and Port Elizabeth before finally wrapping it up in Johannesburg at our Lily offices.

Keep an eye out for your invitation to Electrosonic’s next Roadshow which will be all about Video Processing for Any Scale.

If you would like to discuss a networking solutions for your specific requirements, contact Jesse Dullabh on: +27 11 770 9800 or email him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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