Hsinchu, Taiwan, November 17, 2022 – Lumens® Digital Optics Inc., launched the LC100N Media Processor with NDI®|HX protocol support. The LC100N is an all-in-one recording, streaming device, designed for use in education, worship, meetings, and events.
What a great time being in the Audio-visual Market. Being moved from analog to digital, hardware to software, and trying to keep up with the ever-changing technical challenges is no easy task.
Where cameras are permitted into law courts, it is essential that the production crew and filming equipment do not interfere with the legal process. Because of this, PTZ cameras are preferred. They are remotely controlled and can be installed discreetly. PTZ cameras are perfect for capturing proceedings in TV-quality and from multiple angles.
Never again will a lecturer or presenter have to turn their backs to their audience. We all remember how learning and presenting methods developed from chalkboards to projection, laser pointer