Hungry is a thought-provoking play written and directed by Aubrey Sekhabi, artistic director of the State Theatre in Pretoria. The play is part of a theatre event that originated in Hamburg Germany and will run consecutively in 10 countries, among others Brazil, India and Burkina Faso. The theme is hunger and each of the countries could interpret the concept as it wished and according to pressing local issues. The play deals with issues such as genetically modified crops, famine, waste, and food security, to name a few.
To celebrate the 15th Musikmesse International Press Awards (MIPA), the first Prolight+Sound press award was introduced to coincide with this year’s Prolight+Sound. Every year MIPA invites the participation of over 100 production and entertainment magazines from around the world to vote for the best musical instruments and audio equipment in more than 40 categories.
by Renier Smit (Entertainment Lighting – Technical Sales & Support)
After Electrosonic SA hosted the hugely successful Hippo School in February 2014, the demand for Green Hippo Professional media servers has grown exponentially. Knowledge is power, and as the pool of Hippo knowledge grows so does the demand for servers.
Green Hippo staff recently received some fantastic news: their Hippotizer Chipmunk media server won the Live Design New Projection Product of the Year Award in the Media Servers category!