

Canal Walk Shopping Centre, in Cape Town, is revamping. After years of reliable service from their MAC 2000s, 500s and 600s the Centre asked Brent Thompson, of Eden Electronics, to evaluate the lighting setup and manage the upgrade process. After much deliberation, and months of testing, Brent advised Canal Walk not to mess with success and stick with Martin, the brand that has served them so well for so many years: the MACs have given them more than 30 000 hours of service.


Brent tested various products to see which worked best for Canal Walk’s Centre Court. “The biggest challenge was finding fixtures with extreme versatility and strong enough light output to compete with the ambient light of the shopping mall environment. We needed fixtures that are versatile enough to handle events, expos and general promotions.” Brent felt that an LED light source would be an added bonus to the lighting setup.

Electrosonic SA, who have been giving the centre excellent service for many years, were called in to do some demos. The new Martins impressed Brent and the client, who did not hesitate in ordering MAC Vipers, Mac Auras and Litec trussing. More orders of MAC Auras and MAC101s were to follow. In the interests of going green it was also decided to replace the older generic par can lights with LEDs. Brent went for high-powered Versalight LED products, Electrosonic SA’s in-house brand.

Brent was very complimentary about Electrosonic SA: “The service and support from Electrosonic SA for this Canal Walk project was impeccable. Their involvement helped make our decision so much easier.”

Electrosonic SA looks forward to enhancing the relationship with Canal Walk and Eden Electronics, and wishes the Centre many years of reliable service from the new lighting products.

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