
Elite Screens Available from Electrosonic

Electrosonic SA is proud to announce the launch of Elite screens in South Africa.  The first container arrived in February with motorised, tab-tensioned, fixed frame and staging screens.

Elite Screens is a California based company and specialises in commercial and home-theatre projection screens.  Elite manufactures cost effective screens with a focus on screen materials, sizes and aspect ratios that are most commonly preferred by AV consumers.  When purchasing Elite screens the consumer gets the full package of accessories that are normally optional with other manufacturers.

Ceiling kits are also available as an optional extra for the motorised and tab-tension screens.  The fixed frame range has a high-quality anodised aluminium framework that is coated in black velvet to eliminate reflective glare.  The projection surface has a black-backing to eliminate light penetration.

The Home2 and CineTension2 premium grade electric screens incorporate different methods to ensure that the material presents a flat projection panel for optimum image reproduction.  Standard features include internal receivers, adjustable mounting brackets, moisture resistant aluminium casings, tubular motors, 12V trigger capabilities, wall boxes and IR & RF remote controls.

The Quickfold screens are ideal for any staging applications and comes in sizes ranging from 150cm wide to 400cm.  16:9 formats are also available from 220cm up to 442cm wide.  Front and rear surfaces are available with the option of a drape kit.  The lightweight and durable aluminium folding frames are designed for portable applications.  The lightweight and durable aluminium travelling case is wheeled for easy transport, storage and shipping.  The frame height is adjustable up or down for different applications.

Posted in Lighting Archive

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