


The Martin MAC 2000 moving light has served Gearhouse SA with distinction over the last 7 years, and international acts often ask for them by name. Gearhouse's rental inventory of 156 MAC 2000s had seen plenty of action over the years and was in need of a thorough make-over.



Earlier this year Ofer Lapid and Tim Dunn (both Gearhouse), and Bruce Schwartz (Electrosonic SA) came together and devised a plan to keep these fixtures on the road for a while longer.

Lourens Steyn of Gearhouse and Suren Lutchman of Electrosonic SA inspected all the fixtures and replaced all wear and tear items. The process was carried out systematically and a huge spreadsheet was used to keep everyone up to date on the status of each unit as it went through its overhaul.

In the busy world of rental and touring regular maintenance is often neglected, but Gearhouse understands the importance of committing to your investment, and keeping your customers happy by offering rental equipment that is in tip-top condition.

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