



QUESTION: What do Twakkie and the Borg Queen have in common?

ANSWER: Nothing, except that Rob van Vuuren and Alice Krige – the actors portraying the Most Amazing Show's moustachioed hero, and Star Trek's evil villainess – are both alumni of the Rhodes University (RU) Drama Department. With its integrative approach to drama studies the department gives students plenty of opportunity to perform in pieces across the spectrum of theatre disciplines. The Rhodes University Theatre is constantly in use for performances as well as rehearsals.

In 2012 Royden Paynter of the RU Drama Department approached Robbi Nassi of Electrosonic SA for advice on upgrading the lighting system of the theatre, with the specification that only the latest and greenest in lighting technology was to be used. "We recommended the new and extremely powerful M2GO Lighting Controller," said Robbi. Jacques de Kock (who took over after Royden fell ill) was very impressed: "It's user-friendly. Ideal for a situation where students all have to jump in and help at the lighting desk". Robbi also suggested the Mac Aura LED Wash Moving Head. "Not only does it have impressive lighting output, but it's an LED based moving head which would require no lamp replacements and is low on power consumption", continued Robbi.

After thorough demonstration of and training on the equipment the Drama Department decided to purchase the Martin Products. The motivating factors were that they are products that stand the test of time and that Electrosonic SA and Martin provide excellent back-up service.

Further purchases included ADB Warp Zoom Profiles to add to the theatre's existing ADB Inventory. "The Warp Zoom Profile is unique with its conical ring system to Focus and Shutter the beams of light," enthused Robbi. This added to their High End Decision to purchase a high standard of Lighting Luminaires and Control. The ABD F101 1kW Fresnel was also supplied to add to their inventory of existing ADB Fresnel's. A JEM Magnum 1800 Smoke Machine – the industry standard - was also supplied.

"We thank Jacques and Tersia du Plessis (who has since taken over from Jacques as production manager of Rhodes Theatre) for their continued support," adds Robbi "we look forward to collaborating with Rhodes Theatre in future".


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