In September this year Durban hosted the first ever South Africa India Film and Television Awards (SAIFTA) Ceremony. The who's who of Bollywood and South African film were there, as was Gearhouse Durban, who supplied all the lighting requirements for the event.
There were a few jitters when SAIFTA confirmed the job only two days before load in. The pressure was on to prep the kit and load the trucks to be at the venue, the Durban International Convention Centre (ICC), on time. As always Gearhouse was pumped for the challenge; and the lads worked late into the night to make sure they were at the ICC on time.
One hundred and twenty moving lights, countless LEDs and hundreds of par cans illuminated the stage, but none shone brighter than the beautiful Bollywood actress and dancer, Mahduri Dixit. Dreamsets did a wonderful job with the set, and each structure included an LED strip light which allowed the set to change colour at the flick of a switch.
The lighting rider included 28 Martin Mac Vipers, and it was very exciting to see them in action together – they certainly justify the hype. They add a crisp, clean look; the optics are amazing; the light output is highly impressive; and they helped make the live show translate brilliantly to television.
I'm happy to report that there were no glitches and the client was delighted with what Gearhouse managed to achieve. Thanks to all my colleagues from Gearhouse for putting in the hours to ensure that the inaugural SAIFTA Ceremony was a shining success.
Article by Ryan Dunbar - Lighting Operator for Gearhouse South Africa