Selecon & Electrosonic at Grahamstown Festival
Electrosonic had the honour of contributing to the National Arts Festival in Grahamstown by providing technical training on Theatre and Intelligent lighting for 140 hired technicians.
The Festival technicians were first trained in Johannesburg and Durban by Mike Goldberg of Philips Stand-Selecon Lighting, who flew to South Africa to present master classes on the principals of theatre lighting, control, and intelligent lighting before the technicians left for Grahamstown.
Robbi Nassi and Kobus Visser of Electrosonic continued the courses in Grahamstown at The Rhodes Theatre and were on hand to assist with technical queries. They provided training on the Compulite D-Lite, which is permanently installed in The Rhodes Theatre, and supplied 2 x Martin Mac 700 Washes, 2 x Mac 700 Profiles and a Jem K1 Hazer which were loaned by Electrosonic for the duration of the Festival.
Electrosonic also sponsored 140 Phillips Strand-Selecon Lighting sweaters which were seen worn around town, and even spotted in the local press!
“A large proportion of South Africa’s theatre industry was in Grahamstown, which gave us the opportunity to see our existing clients, meet new clients and build relationships. John Reinders, the head of the lighting team, was very helpful in taking us to the various venues, and it was great being part of his lighting hit team” said Robbi Nassi.
“We’d also like to say a special thanks to Tony Groenewald, Festival Technical Director, and Christine Maree, Assistant Technical Director for being so helpful and hospitable. It was wonderful to be able to make a contribution to the Festival, and we look forward to a continued relationship and working closely with them in the future.”