The Sibikwa Arts Centre has been nominated as a centre of excellence by MAPP-SETA. In addition Sibikwa was awarded a million rand by MAPPP-SETA for CAPEX development and to run a short skills directing course.
The money granted has been used to refurbish the Sibikwa Arts Studio Theatre.
Supporters of the Sibikwa Community Theatre recently gave a standing ovation for Electrosonic SA and a number of private investors who generously replaced the theatre’s dilapidated and hazardous lighting rig with a new, flexible, modern lighting system.
The theatre, located near Benoni, was born as a result of concerned Daveyton and East Rand parents wanting to create opportunities for their children. The Nguni name, Sibikwe, means ‘making an announcement’, and the community theatre is a one-stop provider of theatre, music and dance productions, industrial theatre, as well as a centre for education and training focused on the arts.
After more than a year spent raising funds from private individuals, and a great deal of number crunching, it was eventually possible to replace the existing LX bars, dimmers and control desk and provide an assortment of modern luminaries.
In August the Electrosonic installation team, led by Omar Sharfoodeen, descended on Sibikwa for the lighting make-over. The 12 channels of dimming were ripped out and replaced with 2 x 24-way Strand wall racks wired to 8 custom Electrosonic 6-way lighting bars which were installed off the slab to enable multiple lighting options. The dimmers are controlled by a brand new Strand 200 Series 24/48 way DMX desk which is light years ahead of the theatre’s old analogue desk. An assortment of 18 x Par 64s, 12 x Selecon Acclaim Fresnels and 4 x Selecon Acclaim Profiles were also installed.
Phyllis Klotz from Sibikwa was thrilled to see the new system switched on. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.