Technicians at the Grahamstown National Arts Festival will benefit in the run-up to the annual event through attending lighting master classes presented by Neil Fraser from the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.
Following the recent launch of Martin Professional’s brightest and most advanced moving light, the MAC III, Electrosonic invited Martin Solander from Martin Professional for a whirlwind tour of Johannesburg and Cape Town in January this year to showcase the MAC III and the new JEM K1 Hazer.
Kilowatt AV pushed the limits in Cape Town and Johannesburg late last year, pulling off a world class event with international DJ powerhouse, Ali Dubfire, who had enthusiastic clubbers packing dance floors in both cities.
LP Unlimited - one of the fastest growing companies in local live event staging - had unlimited success using Martin lighting in the staging of two big events in the first quarter of the year – Mr South Africa 2009, and the RMB party.